Wellness, Immunity & Resiliency: A FREE Virtual Event with Donnie Yance

Join Mederi Center Founder and renowned holistic health expert Donnie Yance to learn:

  • How to boost your immune system with the most researched and effective natural approaches
  • How to build resilience to protect yourself against the threat of viruses, including Covid-19 variants
  • The most powerful herbs, nutrients, diet, and lifestyle practices proven to increase resistance to stress & disease
  • The most essential functional lab tests that measure key biomarkers related to a reduced risk of getting sick from Covid-19

We hope you’ll join us for this inspiring and informative talk with one of the world’s leading experts in integrative and unitive medicine!

Date: Tuesday, October 26

Time: 3:30 – 4:30 pm Pacific Time / 6:30 – 7:30 pm Eastern Time

View event details and RSVP here >>

Thank you and we hope to see you on the Zoom!

Can’t make it? This talk will be recorded and a link to view the replay will be sent within one week following the event to the email you provide when you RSVP.

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Ivermectin as a Prophylactic and Treatment for COVID-19

Having effective therapeutics is going to be increasingly important when it comes to confronting Covid-19 and the evolution of new variants. First detected in Japan, the R1 variant is the newest strain of COVID-19 that contains “multiple spike protein mutations”, that could enable it to bypass the antibody protection present in those who are fully vaccinated. Despite the low number of infections, former Harvard Medical School professor William A. Haseltine believes the new mutations found in the R.1 variant could allow it to spread more easily. The professor said the five variations found in R.1 can lead to “increased resistance to antibodies,” in an article written in Forbes earlier this week.

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The Healing and Unifying Power of Music

Let the godly sing for joy to the Lord;
    it is fitting for the pure to praise him.
Praise the Lord with melodies on the lyre;
    make music for him on the ten-stringed harp.
Sing a new song of praise to him;
    play skillfully on the harp, and sing with joy. Psalm 33: 1-3

Jazz as a Path to the Creator

John Coltrane’s commitment to experimentation and exploration, his cross-cultural interests, and his spirituality as much as his musicianship have made him a hero to me and many others. His work inspires the understanding that jazz music, at its core, is spiritual, even to those that don’t realize it. Consider, for a moment, the unifying power of jazz.  Every culture embraces jazz and gives it its own spin. Musicians of all colors, races, religions, ages, and backgrounds, play music together and make it as ONE; just as the universe is ONE, and we are all part of that ONE.

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Weighing the Risk-to-Benefit Ratio of COVID-19 Vaccines

Given the ongoing discord within the scientific community regarding the short-term and long-term efficacy and safety of the different types of anti-SARS-CoV-2 vaccines, their experimental nature, and the availability of other therapeutic approaches,[1] such information should be universal and should be provided to every potential vaccine recipient. The safety and tolerance of COVID-19 vaccines must be carefully considered and studied even when the benefits may outweigh the disadvantages.[2]

How can I make my own weighing scale?
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Natural Compounds That Help Mitigate the Effects of Statin-Induced Myopathy

Last month, I wrote a post on the widespread use of statin drugs and the dangers associated with them. Statin associated myopathy and mitochondrial impairment are serious and wide-spread side effects of statin drugs.

As I stated previously, I strongly believe that people need to be actively involved in their own health care. This means embracing a healthy Mediterranean diet and lifestyle as well as cultivating a positive attitude. And it also means using appropriate botanical and nutritional support as needed.

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Synthesizing the Latest on Covid-19 Science on Vaccines, Variants, Natural Immunity and Essential Nutrients for Immune Enhancement

Regardless of where you stand on the vaccine debate, my goal is to provide reliable, fact-based information on current vaccine trends and to share the good news about the powerful role herbal medicine, nutrition, and diet play in building a healthy immune system. There is undoubtedly a great deal of conflicting misinformation circulating in the public amidst a high degree of vaccine skepticism. On a positive note, the latest scientific consensus is now confirming a reduced rate of severe illness and death from COVID-19, including the Delta variant, in vaccinated individuals, especially for high-risk populations, including the elderly and those with underlying conditions. A recent meta-analysis on Vitamin D is also garnering attention on the critical importance of this nutrient. However, with vaccine effectiveness waning[1],[2] amidst rising numbers of breakthrough infections, the continued transmissibility of infection despite vaccination[3], and new variants of concern continuing to emerge[4], the challenge of relying exclusively on immunizations to move past the pandemic underscores the importance of being ever more vigilant in optimizing our health.

Continue reading “Synthesizing the Latest on Covid-19 Science on Vaccines, Variants, Natural Immunity and Essential Nutrients for Immune Enhancement”