Have You Had Your Fermented Foods Today?

Whether it’s sauerkraut from Eastern Europe, miso from Japan, or yogurt from Bulgaria, cultures worldwide have appreciated the unique benefits of fermented foods for thousands of years. Traditionally, people have used fermentation to preserve foods or to make them more digestible; in the process, they found that these foods also kept them healthy.    Send …

Are Statins Safe?

The straightforward answer to this question is “NO.” Statins are not benign, health protective medications, as the pharmaceutical companies would have you believe. If the decision were left up to the makers of Lipitor, Zocor, Crestor, Pravachol, and other cholesterol-lowering drugs, statins would be prescribed for every American (including children), handed out with fast-food meals, …

Whole Grain Bread: Why You Should Make Your Own

Whole-grain bread is delicious. It’s also very healthy. In fact, whole-grain bread is so good for you that I encourage you to learn to make your own. As I’ll explain below, there are several compelling reasons to make your own whole-grain bread. You might be surprised to read this recommendation, especially if you’ve been avoiding …

Curcumin in Combination with Chemotherapy: A Positive Interaction

Natural compounds, including curcumin, resveratrol, EGCG, and β-glucan have shown synergistic promising immune-modulating, anti-tumor, and chemo-potentiating effects.

The results of these clinical studies are conclusive, and these studies have established a good foundation for further research focusing on implementing curcumin along with other botanical compounds in clinical oncology. It’s important to note, however, that I never use curcumin as a soloist! I always use a formula that combines curcumin with EGCG, resveratrol, grape seed extract, quercetin, and other botanical extracts. This provides a harmonious approach that best supports healing.

Weighing the Risk-to-Benefit Ratio of COVID-19 Vaccines

Given the ongoing discord within the scientific community regarding the short-term and long-term efficacy and safety of the different types of anti-SARS-CoV-2 vaccines, their experimental nature, and the availability of other therapeutic approaches,[1] such information should be universal and should be provided to every potential vaccine recipient. The safety and tolerance of COVID-19 vaccines must be …