Spiritual Musings on the Power of the Cosmic Force: My Latest Music Release (Cosmic Force)

Music has always been a profound way for me to express my innermost feelings and my connection with the Divine. During these times of profound connection, I find myself inspired to create music, channeling my spiritual experiences into artistic expression. These past few years, I have channeled that expression into two albums of original compositions, “Heaven Awaits” (2020) and my newest release, “Cosmic Force” (Fall, 2023).

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Unlock Long COVID Recovery: Leverage the Power of Adaptogens

A silent crisis has emerged after the global COVID-19 pandemic, affecting many survivors long after their initial recovery. Long COVID, a term used to describe the lingering and debilitating symptoms experienced by individuals weeks and even months after their acute infection, has become a pressing concern in healthcare. In the face of this prolonged health crisis, a beacon of hope emerges in the form of adaptogens—natural substances with the potential to offer relief and support for those recovering from the debilitating grip of long COVID. Leveraging the power of adaptogens can unlock long COVID recovery.

Before delving into the transformative power of adaptogens, it is essential to comprehend the gravity of the issue and the urgent need for effective solutions in the realm of long COVID recovery.

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Harmony of Saints and Sounds: Assisi, Coltrane, and the Cosmic Force

St. Francis of Assisi, born in 1182 as Giovanni di Pietro di Bernardone, hailed from a wealthy family. Despite his early life of privilege, he eventually realized the emptiness of material wealth and chose a life of simplicity and poverty to fully embrace his Divine calling.

The Potential for Divine Fulfillment

We all have the capacity to be fully Divine. But we must see it, feel it, desire it, be fearless, and have the courage to live this divinity in our own unique and authentic way. When we find this courage, our lives become a testament to kindness, and we spend our time on Earth spreading God’s goodness to all.

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Driven by Deception: How Cancer Hijacks Our Systems for Survival

Gankyrin and Cancer

A better understanding of Gankyrin, glutamine, and glutamate production is crucial for cancer patients and their doctors.

Cancer develops when cells start growing too fast. This process kicks off when genes responsible for regular cell growth transform into cancer genes, also known as oncogenes. The term “oncogene” is derived from the Greek words for tumor (“onco”) and “gignere,” which means to create, generate, or induce. While normal genes can be turned off, oncogenes cannot.

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Do You Tend to Jump to Conclusions? Take A Closer Look at the Facts and Trust Your Inner Wisdom

Wouldn’t it be nice if we could avoid making snap judgments, both in our everyday lives and in the field of medicine?

In our daily lives, think about when a friend doesn’t return a phone call, and we quickly assume they might be upset with us for something we said or did.

In medicine, it happens that we often accept new research findings as undeniable facts without looking into them more carefully.

And have you ever wondered why bad news about natural remedies, often based on false information, spreads so fast, while good news, which is usually true, doesn’t get much attention?

Don’t jump to conclusions and take a closer look at the facts:

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Glutamine Supplementation May Help Fight Cancer – What You Need to Know

Cancer is a major concern and is on the rise worldwide, including among younger people in the United States. However, many people don’t think about the relationship between glutamine supplementation and cancer, even though it’s a complex and evolving topic.

What Makes Cancer Cells Different?

Cancer cells display a high metabolic adaptability. This allows them to flourish in fluctuating microenvironmental conditions. While normal cells die in challenging conditions, cancer cells are able to continue their metabolic activities to ensure their ongoing survival.

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