Optimizing Hormones Naturally Versus Hormone Replacement Therapies: Part I

Woman Meditating

Not so long ago, hormone replacement therapy (HRT) was routinely prescribed for menopausal women to alleviate menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes and insomnia, as well as to protect against osteoporosis, heart disease, dementia and aging. Even women who were content to age naturally were sometimes pushed into taking hormones. For example, my mother decided against hormones, and was told by her doctor, “All right then, you can just let your skin sag and watch your body age quickly.” Unfortunately for women, hormone replacement turned out to have unexpected negative consequences, as long-term clinical studies showed that HRT increased the risk of cardiovascular disease, stroke, blood clots, and hormone-related cancers such as breast and ovarian cancer—even with short-term use. HRT is also associated with a significant increase in lung cancer and death from lung cancer. It’s almost unthinkable, but HRT has even been prescribed for women with breast cancer, with the result being double the reoccurrence rate of cancer (J Natl Cancer Inst 2008; 100: 475-482).

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A Delicious Way To Support Health

I’m delighted to have my latest book—Adaptogens in Medical Herbalism: Elite Herbs and Natural Compounds for Mastering Stress, Aging, and Chronic Disease— reviewed in Foodies West (http://foodieswest.com), a unique online publication that features interviews with people who are passionate about health and food—chefs, farmers, vintners, brew masters, restaurateurs, and food writers. My enthusiasm for delicious, healthful food—and how it can help to prevent degenerative disease and support healing—is one of the central themes of my new book. I am grateful to Foodies West for helping to spread the word.

Read the review here: http://foodieswest.com/Adaptogens.html

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Eating Healthfully On A Budget

Eating Healthfully on a Budget

Many people think that eating healthfully means spending a fortune at the grocery store. It’s true that fresh, organic foods cost more than their conventionally grown and processed counterparts. But with thoughtful planning, smart shopping, and a bit of creativity in the kitchen, you can enjoy a nourishing, health supportive diet and stay within a reasonable budget.

Eating healthy, delicious meals is one of our core values, and we consistently make the time and effort to ensure that we eat well. There are many ways to reduce your food budget; some of our suggestions may take research and energy to implement, but you’ll find they make a significant difference in your food expenses—and you’ll be eating better than ever.

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The Dangers of Commercial Sunscreens, Part 2


In last week’s post, I talked about the toxicity of commercial sunscreens, and why they are bad for your health. I also mentioned that the sun is not the primary cause of skin aging and skin cancer, and promised to share my conclusions with you this week.

Despite the enormously bad press the sun has received in the past few decades, all skin damage is not the fault of the sun. The root cause of skin aging (including wrinkling, hyperpigmentation, and loss of collagen) as well as skin cancer is oxidative damage caused by reactive oxygen species (ROS). While the sun is one of the factors that create ROS, there are many other culprits, including external factors (air pollution and chemical exposure) and internal factors (poor diet, emotional stress, lack of sleep, and the natural aging process). ROS are believed to trigger skin cancer and photosensitivity diseases by activating proliferative and cell survival signaling that can alter apoptotic pathways (the self-destruction of abnormal cells).

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The Dangers of Commercial Sunscreens

Dangers of Sunscreen

Wherever I go this summer, it seems that people are slathering or spraying sunscreen onto themselves and their children. Whether or not you want to use sunscreen, you essentially have no choice – aerosol sprays disperse and pollute the air, and sunscreens and sun blocks wash off in pools or lakes, contaminating the water. (Despite what labels proclaim, there is no such thing as “waterproof sunscreen.”)

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Is Milk A Healthful Food?

dairy cows milk

Few dietary topics create as much controversy as the issue of milk. Billboards, commercials, and magazine ads (featuring celebrities with milk moustaches) encourage us to drink more milk via the influential “Got Milk?” campaign, launched by the dairy industry in 1993. Even our government promotes the heavy consumption of milk—the latest federal nutritional guidelines recommend the equivalent of 3 glasses of milk daily, either fat-free or 1% fat.

Unfortunately, the recommendations for dairy are channeled to us through the perspective of the dairy industry, and are based more on marketing schemes than on scientific research. If you didn’t already know, the dairy lobby is a powerful force, and drives the government’s recommendations.

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