Did you know Donnie Yance is also an accomplished bass player and composer?
We are excited to announce the release of his latest CD, Cosmic Force. The overarching theme is the sense of the Cosmos and the universal force or consciousness that brings life as we know it and life as the unknown. All proceeds from the sale of these CDs benefit the Mederi Foundation, a non-profit organization for patient care, research, and education.
Note: Cosmic Force CD will be available for shipment December 1, 2023
Click here to purchase CDs
The director of uluotsrand imaging for the practice I’m with says there is a loop hole that allows certified mammo techs to become certified to perform breast uluotsrands (breast only, no other body parts).I’ve poked around the ARRT website, but can’t find the info. She can’t recall where the info was posted either. I’m hoping someone on here can help.Thanks in advance!